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Games that Can Build Children's Fine Motor Capabilities

In order to support the independence of the baby, the Little Motor's fine motor skills must be built and stimulated properly. Although impressed trivial, but this ability is needed for their growth and development. Fine motor skills are the ability to move limbs that involve nerves, bones, and muscles, to carry out certain activities. Most of these activities involve the fingers and toes. Some examples of fine motor skills that play a major role in children's independence are the ability to open doors, brush their teeth, wash their hands, paint or write, move their toes, and open and close buttons on their clothes.

Types of Toys to Practice Children's Fine Motor Ability

To get good fine motor skills, children must have strength, coordination, and the ability to move the muscles in their fingers and toes properly. A child's fine motor skills can begin to be trained when he is around 1-2 years old. The following are some types of games that can help children in developing fine motor skills:

1. Play with a rubber band

One way that can be done to train the small muscles of children is to give a rubber band to play. Teach your little one to tie a rubber band to the can. While doing so, Mother and Father can also invite your child to learn to count.

2. Playing with paper

Prepare a paper that is not used on the table and place your hands on it. Ask him to squeeze the paper into a ball, without raising his hand. In addition, Mother can also ask your Little One to cut the pictures in magazines or books, then paste the pictures on the paper to make it a unique collage.

3. Playing with candles

Dough-shaped toys, such as candles or clay, can also be used to practice children's fine motor skills. Let the child pinch the dough parts with his fingers, and be creative in forming objects that he likes. Apart from candles and clay, cake dough can also be used for games.

4. Teach children to eat with a spoon

Teach your child to use a spoon or fork when eating. Even if the food is a mess, don't help it. Let your child find out for yourself how to hold and direct the cutlery properly.

5. Arrange the blocks and puzzles

Other games that can help the development of Little Motor's fine motor skills are building blocks and puzzles. Ask your child to arrange the blocks and puzzles to be the shape he likes. Mother and Father can also prepare an empty bucket to be filled with toys. Invite your child to fill the bucket with his toy, then ask him to pour it into the empty. This game can help fine motor skills develop well.

6. Game on the gadget

Games on gadgets are more suitable for children over the age of 2 years. There are so many games on gadgets, like cellphones and tablets, that can be played by children. This game has various features to make it easier for children to play while training their motor skills. An example is the game of pointing at pictures, drawing, or coloring a picture in a gadget. However, Mother should limit the child's time to play the gadget a maximum of 1 hour per day. You can also use items that are at home, such as empty containers, boxes, pans, and pans, as a media to build Little Motor's fine motor skills. Do a game or activity that makes your little one use both hands together. If it is difficult to determine the type of game that is suitable, or if your child seems unable to play with toys according to his age, Mother and Father can consult further to the pediatrician.


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