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Shopping Addiction Can Be classified as a Mental Health Disorder

Shopping is arguably an exciting and exciting activity. However, do not let you experience shopping addiction. This addiction is often associated with anxiety, depression, and various negative emotions. In addition, shopping addiction can also cause a variety of problems, including in domestic relations and financial conditions. Shopping addiction can also be referred to as compulsive buying disorder (CBD) or compulsive shopping disorder which can be interpreted as an unbearable desire to buy goods excessively, which can bring negative influence in the family and finances.

Understand the Signs of Shopping Addiction

It is likely that someone who is addicted to shopping does not realize this happened to him. To recognize whether you are a person who is addicted to shopping or not, here are the signs of shopping addiction that you need to know:
  • Shopping only aims to relieve stress.
  • Obsessed to buy goods every week or even every day.
  • Always spend a lot of time looking at things
  • Feel very happy after buying something.
  • Spending funds beyond the credit card nominal limit or financial capacity.
  • Always buy things that are not used.
  • Feeling guilty after buying lots of things, even though you keep shopping again in the following days.
  • Having difficulties in the future due to wasteful shopping in the past.
Another sign that is dominantly owned by people who are addicted to shopping is more like shopping alone than with friends and family, so as not to feel embarrassed when buying goods.

How to handle it?

Handling of shopping addictions can be done according to the severity and source of the problem. Here are some steps that can be taken to relieve addiction:
  • Relatives, spouses, or close friends need to help take control of your spending.
  • Live psychological counseling and therapy so you can learn to control your urge and recognize the triggers for shopping addiction.
  • Addicts can learn about managing finances and learn to adopt a healthy shopping style.
Don't let shopping habits that are supposed to be fun become addicted to risky shopping. If you or someone close to you experience symptoms of shopping addiction, don't hesitate to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist to get the right treatment.


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